- 2016-10-15 09:18:00
- admin
- 原创 1942
drop table if exists Student1;
create table Student1(
id int NOT NULL KEY auto_increment,
`when` varchar(21)
drop table if exists Student2;
create table Student2(
id int NOT NULL KEY auto_increment,
`when` varchar(21)
insert Student1(id,`when`) values(NULL, 'now');
insert Student1(id,`when`) values(NULL, 'now');
insert Student2(id,`when`) values(NULL, 'now');
insert Student2(id,`when`) values(NULL, 'now');
insert Student2(id,`when`) values(NULL, 'now');
mysql> select * from Student1;
| id | when |
| 1 | now |
| 2 | now |
mysql> select * from Student2;
| id | when |
| 1 | now |
| 2 | now |
| 3 | now |
SELECT auto_increment FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='test' AND TABLE_NAME='Student1';
| auto_increment |
| 3 |
SELECT auto_increment FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='test' AND TABLE_NAME='Student2';
| auto_increment |
| 4 |
select LAST_INSERT_ID(),用于获取上次使用自增方式插入记录的自增ID。
1 LAST_INSERT_ID是针对一个连接,LAST_INSERT_ID不会被其它连接的数据插入影响。
2 连接建立时LAST_INSERT_ID是初始值0。
3 自增方式插入记录会修改LAST_INSERT_ID值。
4 非自增方式插入记录不会修改LAST_INSERT_ID值。
5 事务回滚不会修改LAST_INSERT_ID值。
6 一条插入语句插入多条记录,LAST_INSERT_ID值是第一条插入记录值。
1 数据插入影响自增ID
2 数据删除不影响自增ID
3 事务回滚不影响自增ID
4 重启mysqld不影响自增ID
delete from Student2 where id=1;
SELECT auto_increment FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='test' AND TABLE_NAME='Student2';
| auto_increment |
| 4 |
delete from Student2 where id=2;
SELECT auto_increment FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='test' AND TABLE_NAME='Student2';
| auto_increment |
| 4 |
insert Student2(id,`when`) values(10, 'now');
SELECT auto_increment FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='test' AND TABLE_NAME='Student2';
| auto_increment |
| 11 |
delete from Student2 where id=10;
SELECT auto_increment FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='test' AND TABLE_NAME='Student2';
| auto_increment |
| 11 |
insert Student2(id,`when`) values(2, 'now');
SELECT auto_increment FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='test' AND TABLE_NAME='Student2';
| auto_increment |
| 11 |